Great Big
Secret Northern Mission


Y the time the group breaks for LUNCH, non-artists Angel and Anguish have discovered they have a LOT in common. They have become FIRM FRIENDS...

They BOTH have a lot in common...

They keep knitting and chatting quietly while the others focus on the "Master Life Drawing" class...

Life drawing is far more fun than still lifes...

Opal is getting the HANG of life drawing...

Motoko has a UNIQUE interpretation of the subject....

I think he's GOT something there!

Attila solemnly produces another MASTERPIECE...

Attila strips the form down to its basic elements....

Only ONCE is Peter at a LOSS, as he surveys Motoko Kasanagi's interpretation...

Peter, boggled...

Motoko obligingly EXPLAINS...

Motoko's view is certainly... unique...

Rose observes wryly....

(Time to WRAP UP this ADVENTURE....)

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