Great Big
Secret Northern Mission


ROM the Nude Figure, the die-hards of the group quickly move to that most difficult of challenges, the draped model...

They BOTH have a lot in common...

The normally fatalistic and moody artist is beside himself with happiness!

Life drawing is far more fun than still lifes...

Opal is taking more risks!

After much thought, Attila produces yet another minimalistic primordial masterpiece, boldly sweeping away the model's draperies as mere irrelevancies...

Attila The Hun XVII proves to be a BRILLIANT artist!

And at least ONE student made a life-changing decision!

Good idea, Rose!

(What enigmatic model SHADE thought of it all, no one knows...)

She doesn't speak English....

By the END of the day, all the students are successfully able to critique themselves...

- to Peter's utter DELIGHT!

But at long last, the day is DONE. The best sketches are selected for an Exhibition, to be displayed for the week so that local moose hunters have the chance to be elevated by them...

Peter is left with an impressive collection of artwork!

The lights are switched OFF. The hall falls back into a deep winter SILENCE...

The art class is over!

(But wait - what was that NOISE?)

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