Great Big
Secret Northern Mission


HE sketching class (sponsored by the Ontario government's Nordic Arts Development Program) is now in FULL SWING. Peter Linsell proves to be a VERY positive, encouraging, enthusiastic TEACHER!

He loves art more than ANYTHING...

The world-famous artist has MANY insights to offer...

He offers thoughtful, in-depth one-on-one critiques for each student...

Peter, deep in discussion...

Some students are far more advanced, and need little guidance...

Motoko is a brilliant artist in her OWN right!

...while OTHERS are total beginners!

Attila The Hun XVII is NEW to art....

A spirit of FRIENDLY RIVALRY prevails in some quarters...

Bloody Rose teases Electra about her artwork....


I think he's GOT something there!

Which was JUST AS WELL...

Ohmigosh!  It's Bloody Rose!

Fortunately, most of the students took the class SERIOUSLY....

Ah.  It's Iris Peel, a.k.a. Anguish...

Meanwhile, Attila The Hun (XVII) thinks he has FINALLY figured it all OUT...

Attila Is Cautiously Proud...

Peter is AWESTRUCK by the result!

Peter sees Attila's drawing...

Enthusiastically, he holds it UP as an EXAMPLE to the class...

He explains its symbolism with GLEE...

Attila is pleased...

(But WAIT - there's MORE!)

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