Charles Hesketh Asmundsen's Moose on the Loose Adventure

It has only been moments since Lars Lindquist's brave rescue attempt was thwarted by the CRACK of the branch he was swinging from, but it seems like an ETERNITY to Lars (and everyone watching!) However, to the enormous relief of all, the bough does not break completely - instead, it bends and slowly lowers Lars to a dizzying eighteen inches above the ground...
WHEW!  What a *relief!*

Suddenly, Charles Hesketh Asmundsen loses his precarious GRIP - and plummets past the helpless Lars with a terrible cry!
Oh NO!

Braving the moose, Lars' cousin Per takes a quick peek at the motionless figure on the ground
(It went out when he Yelled...)

But WAIT! Did Charles just twitch?
I *think* I heard a groan...

The young millionaire dentist ASTOUNDS them all by suddenly leaping to his FEET...
Oh my GOSH!

...And the chase is ON again!
RUN, Charlie!  RUNNNN!

FORTUNATELY, experienced Park Ranger Buddy Jim Hanbro arrives on the scene...

Goodness GRACIOUS!  WHAT can he be planning to DO?
(I DO hope he's not planning to Wrassle the Moose...)

Buddy Jim looks *puzzled*...

REALLY, Grandpa Hanbro!

All eyes on him, the moose snorts and stomps forbiddingly!
Ooooh, he doesn't look very FRIENDLY!


Meanwhile, back at the Ranch...
*Phew!* He's ALIVE...

Charles flops gratefully onto a CHAIR...
Uh, well... if you ignore the screams and moose bellows in the woods...

SURE there is, Charles...

Suddenly, he hears the BACK DOOR slam...
He's fated NEVER to read that magazine!

Meanwhile, back in the WOODS...
Good thinking, Piers!

But to everyone's amazement, NO guns are needed!
Buddy Jim is AMAZING!

Kids - DON'T try this at HOME!  Not everyone has Buddy Jim Hanbro's special way with wild animals...
(Especially not during RUTTING SEASON!)

Completely mellow now, the magnificent creature ambles off into the forest...

Lars is the first to stir from an astounded trance at witnessing such a RARE event...
Good thinking, Lars!

But when they get back, a horrific sight meets their eyes!
Oh NO!  Corrupting the Very Young!

But WAIT! - it gets WORSE!
Wow... He's *resilient*...

Oh dear...
Boys!  *BOYS!*

This is *AWFUL!*

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VERY Special Thanks to Richard A. Harnett for letting us take such atrocious liberties with his amazing AVALON diorama photos!