Charles Hesketh Asmundsen's Muskoka Poker  Adventure

It has only been moments since millionaire dentist Charles Hesketh Asmundsen uttered five fatal little WORDS, (thereby ruining General Jefferson Beauregard Hanbro's best poker hand of the day)...
How did one so totty-headed get to be a millionaire???
To those privileged to witness the verbal whuppin' General Hanbro gives his hapless son-in-law, It feels like five HOURS. To say that the General is NOT a Happy Camper would be the Understatement of the YEAR...
GOOD thing young *MICHAEL* was out of the ROOM!

Eventually, however, even the General has to take a breath (and relight his cigar)...
(It went out when he Yelled...)

Charlie doesn't have to be told TWICE...
Good idea, Charlie!

It takes General Hanbro quite a while to calm down again...
Better tell his WIFE...

Suddenly, off in the woods, they ALL hear a TERRIBLE SCREAM!

In spite of the General's scornful words, several of the men go outside to LOOK...
(I have a Ve-ryyy baad *feeling* about this...)

Buddy Jim looks *puzzled*...

Wait a minute! What was that BLUR flashing across the clearing?

WHAT the-?

It's a *WHAT?*

Oh *dear*...

OhmiGOSH!  It's a *BULL MOOSE!*

Foiled by Charles' sudden disappearance, the angry bull MOOSE sniffs the air...

It picks up the scent, and CHARGES!
Oh NO!

Someone DO something!

Lars gives it a try!

The UNTHINKABLE has happened!

Too far away to help, the others can only watch in horror...
Poor boy!

Wow... He's *resilient*...

He MADE it!!!
Never knew Charles Hesketh Asmundsen could climb TREES!

That moose doesn't give up EASILY!

Lars reaches Charlie by swinging from tree to tree!

Suddenly there is an ominous cracking noise...
Will Charles actually live? Will the MOOSE be court-martialled for MURDER? ...Stay tuned to find out if he will EVER see his beloved CATRIONA again...

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Special thanks to Cari Buziak for Per's Aon-Celtic t-shirt design! Also to Bobbie Peachey at Web Clip Art for the wonderful "Christmas Tree with Falling Snow" clipart used in the design of Piers' wall hanging.