Flashback 2009
A Traumatic Year!


t all started back in the Spring, at Nadine's Art Opening. If you remember, Isobel committed “adultery” - that is, she turned herself and Belinda “Babybel” Edwards into Adults... and managed to out-diva (and insult!) Varna...

The little monkeys!

But that wasn't the only Trauma experienced at the Art Opening. It all started when Inspector Don's wife, Cheryl, overheard Holly Noelle Hanbro and Colin Eight...

Cheryl overheard the kids...!

The children don't even NOTICE that she's standing right beside them!

The kids ruthlessly Tell It Like It Is...

Their parting words leave Cheryl with LOTS to think about...


Cheryl asks herself some SEARCHING QUESTIONS...

She makes a RESOLUTION...

“Meanwhile, he CAVORTS with the OSLO TWINS...”

(It really WASN'T what Cheryl thinks!)

“...And hangs out all night at the police pub with his partner, C.J....”

Even C.J. has to tell him to GO HOME...

“...And drinks WAY too much, these days....”

Now that IS true...

“He's always calling me LAZY...”

She is SO *not!*...

“...while he leaves me to look after the kids, no matter HOW tired I am...”

She's even nice to VARNA...

“Meanwhile, he does NOTHING BUT RELAX at work, all day...”

He certainly DOESN'T have a lot of work...

(“...except when Belinda and Isobel keep him BUSY...”)

It's a good thing they DO...

Cheryl comes to a DECISION!

(But what does that have to do with the Party?...)

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