Pete Shirley's
Park Ranger


t is a BEAUTIFUL September morning at Knottwood Everglades National Park.  Newest park ranger Pete Shirley is thoroughly educating two straggling youngsters - Holly Noelle Hanbro and Katherine Lindquist, as it happens - on their last outdoor school trip of the year... Pete Shirley, Knottwood Everglades Park Ranger...

He does not omit a single DETAIL...

He's VERY enthusiastic

The girls resort to sitting down on the stones!

Their legs are VERY tired!

(Just as well, because he passes from flowers to fish to BIRDS!)

Pete LOVES nature!

But at LONG last...

Pete's talk WAS a bit *long*...

Poooor hopeful Pete...


I don't BELIEVE it! *Holly Noelle* being cheeky?

Pete isn't working on his Master's thesis for NOTHING...