Nadine's Official Opening


s the Opening got under way, Errol Stanley Ryder happily snapped photos for PEEPLE Magazine…

Nadine tries not to feel flustered...

As the lovely Nadine tries to figure out what he means, Errol finally gets the PERFECT shot!

She probably IS thinking of England...

…JUST as Channel CHIXX-TV butts in!

Nadine is suprised...

Nadine gets a taste of FAME…

They hit her hard with the questions...

Bet she didn't see THAT one coming!

Her artless answer leaves EVERYONE IN THE ROOM gasping!

Nadine has little time for such nonsense...

Meanwhile, in the outer gallery, Nancy Hanbro is doing a double-take of her OWN…

What has startled Nancy?

She RUSHES to find Buddy Jim

Jim is still recovering from NADINE'S bombshell!

What? WHAT?

Oh-oh. I see RED...

Varna explodes into the ROOM...

Good guess, Errol!!

Who IS it?

What? WHAT?

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