Katherine's Sewing Adventure

While practicing for the tournament, Katherine suffered a TERRIBLE injury to her sword arm and side! Doctor Megan forbade her to ride for two whole weeks, so while she was recovering, Katherine had the brilliant idea of helping sew some of the costumes the Knottwood inhabitants were planning to wear.

What a TERRIBLE injury!...

She proved to have a natural talent for sewing... Mind you, the stitches seemed VERY hard to do, at first...
Sewing was hard, at first...

...though pricking your finger is not HALF as bad as being knocked off a horse!

Nadine and Lilith offered lots of expert sewing advice...
Lots of advice from the peanut gallery...

"I think I'm getting the hang of this!"
It's going WELL...

...A basic dress is finished!

And a cloak too!

And who are THESE wonderful fabrics for?
...and who are THESE wonderful fabrics for?

"Well, AS you can see, they're certainly not for ME... "
...Not ME... Not ME...

"...You'll JUST have to wait and SEE..."
You'll JUST have to wait...

Supplied by www.aon-celtic.com

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