Peter Linsell's
Helping With The Housework


nguish Peel wakes up one day, early in January, and wanders into the living room of the tiny cottage she shares with reclusive artist Peter Linsell...

Anguish is used to finding boyfriend Peter up and working on artistic projects at all hours

However, she is admittedly surprised at THIS project - and his reply!

He seems TERRIBLY proud of his new sculpture...

It's not OFTEN he actually asks her OPINION...

For the first time, Anguish really SEES what he's been working on...

However, she knows BETTER than to protest...

Peter succumbs to a rare fit of ELITISM...

Peter is annoyed with himself for allowing personal vulnerability to overcome artistic pride

Anguish can't HELP commenting, after staring at the lumpy shape...

Peter prides himself on his artistic HONESTY...

Anguish decides to fortify herself with MORE COFFEE...

But of course, she is very proud of Peter's work...

Little did they KNOW what this INNOCENT CONVERSATION was going to START...

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