Lilith and Gabe's Decorating Adventure

One morning, soon after Lilith and Gabriel's WEDDING...
Lilith and Gabe at breakfast...

They're NOT agreeing at ALL...

Gabe tries another suggestion...

Lilith is MOST insistent...

Gabe tries to be agreeable...

But he just CAN'T do it!


Luckily, KATHERINE has arrived...

"We're having an AWFUL time, trying to figure out which wallpaper to choose..."
Lilith and Gabe notice something in the MIRROR...

"I love this GORGEOUS pink one..."
We just CAN'T agree on which WALLPAPER to pick...

"...But GABE wants this really boring grey PLAID, would you believe..."
We both like DIFFERENT things...

Katherine gives the problem some thought...

"Yes... No... MAYbe... I've ALMOST got the SOLUTION..."
The newlyweds are CONFIDENT she will think of a s

"Here. Use THESE two... combined..."
And she DOES...
So THIS is how they communicate...
"I've picked a retro SIXTIES design... Orange for you, Lil... green for Gabe..."
Same pattern, two different colours...

"Hey, THANKS, Katherine! It's US!"
The PERFECT solution!

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