C.J.'s Interesting Evening Adventure

After she has been RESTORED to... uhhh... "Original" Isobel format (but ever so slightly cleaner and tidier), the teen gets re-acquainted with overjoyed members of her FAMILY...
Buddy Jim has got his DAUGHTER back!

There is an AWKWARD MOMENT with little sister, Holly Noelle...
I'm sure they'll work it out...

But that quickly passes...
BAD Isobel!

EVERYONE notices a big difference in both sisters...
They DO seem more relaxed with each other...

But soon Isobel's dramatic transformation is forgotten, as people REALLY enjoy catching up with each other...
And so does Neville and CJ!

EVERYONE fusses over baby Robin...
Yes - that IS Idril in her violet silk gown!

...which means hosts Neville and Alicia FINALLY get time to chat with their guests...
The grandmothers LOVE Robin!

And Belinda (a.k.a. `Babybel') decides to open a rather smelly present from best friend Isobel...

A few other early unscheduled presents are presented...
Gordon tries hard...

Screen star (and reclusive Knottwood resident) Piers Bosnan finds time to drop in with sensational new German pairs skater Gisela Koster on his arm...
WHAT are they THINKING?!

They are barely there long enough to say "hello" - but Gisela finds time to tease rival pairs skater, Lars Lindquist!

Lars doesn't look worried!

Lars' long-time skating partner is not amused!
(But then again, Nancy's NEVER amused!)

Many guests feel SORRY for C.J., who is obviously no longer Piers' favourite lady friend. They wonder if her indifferent response is all SHOW, to hide wounded feelings...

A cruel way to dump CJ!

But later, she is discovered in a Secluded Corner of the Minstrel's Gallery, being, er, "entertained" by an incredibly strong-looking young man in chain mail...

Can it be... CJ's Barbarian?

Isobel's back to normal!
(Better get back to the PARTY, C.J... We hear that SANTA is on his way....)

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Dr. Agnes' necklace and hair ornament by our good friend, LEONOR
Fireplace orchids by TERESA of Loony Knoll
C.J.'s evening gown by PAT of Coldwater