The Knottwood Horses

four horses who live in Knottwood. Cheryl Haney owns Lightning, the well-mannered grey gelding ridden by Sir Lars Lindquist in the tournament. Buddy Jim Hanbro owns Midnight (Sir Donald's fiery, temperamental Arabian mare), and also Jupiter, a palomino gelding of mixed Warmblood/Quarter Horse blood. (Sir Per rode Jupiter).

The latest horse to arrive - just in time for the tournament - is Sunshine, the magnificent Andalusian mare purchased jointly by Buddy Jim Hanbro and Bethany Underfoot.

The Knottwood Horses

ALL the horses are stabled in the Hanbro barn, and cared for by Cheryl, Isobel and Buddy Jim. Just click on your favourite horse to find out more about him or her!

There are also two ponies in the village - Blackie and Rodrigo. They did not appear in the Tournament and so we do not yet have photos for them - but we've HAD to promise Isobel Hanbro (who owns Blackie) that we will add them very soon. (Rodrigo actually belongs to Cheryl - she bought him as a companion to Lightning - but he is probably even more tricky to ride than Midnight, so only Isobel Hanbro rides him.)

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