Quiet Birthday Adventure


ethany Underfoot has decided on a “humans only” birthday party for Michael, this year...…

Bethany has everything ready...

She has sent out all the invitations...

Emily gets an invitation!

The day of the party ARRIVES... and so do all the guests

Everyone is here!

Michael is REALLY surprised!

Mike is surprised!


What a cake!

...which Auntie Ursula carries over to the Birthday Boy...

Will it be BIG enough?

...But while Michael is busy blowing out the candles...

Big breath, now...

...and opening presents...

Michael enjoys his gifts...

...and birthday cards...

Michael enjoys his cards...

Little cousin LEO suddenly remembers what's in Emily's room...

Leo has a THOUGHT...

...Namely, Bethany's MANSION...

It really IS spectacular!

He soon clears out ALL the furniture...

Leo knows what he wants to do...


He JUST fits!

Emily arrives (fresh from finishing off the last of the blue icing)...

Emily is HORRIFIED...


Naughty Leo!

Of course, Leo thinks this is all a great joke...

what a monkey!

Emily marches him back to the living room, and is soon telling his mother (and everyone else) what he got up to...

She had quite a SHOCK!

Michael sums it up correctly...

Michael sums it up correctly...

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