Knottwood Christmas Party


he Party got off to a slightly shaky start. Not all of the guests quite "got" Peter Linsell's Winter Fantasy Theme garb and decor...

Peter welcomes Emily-Amelie...

...Though things improved slightly when he brought out the FOOD...

A lot of thought went into the refreshments

...Including some magnificent petits fours...

Even the cakes sported blue decorations...

...made especially by Knottwood Castle chef, Pierre Dupioni...

A beautiful and most mysterious mermaid...

Lars Lindquist wasn't too pleased when he saw what they had done to the pink Swedish Lingonberry Champagne he had donated to the party...

What beautiful slip covers!

Fortunately Michael DISTRACTED him by pretending to eat his glow stick...

We never knew Anguish could SEW so expertly!

(Uh... make that "ate his glow stick"...)

Anguish looks stunning in blue!

(There was another Embarrassing Incident with a bar of TURKISH DELIGHT, later...)

Anguish looks stunning in blue!

...Though ON the whole, the food was a GREAT success!


Sounds like she ATE the cupcakes!

(But where are the REST of the Knottwood Inhabitants?)

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